The Pure by Onya Baby

I am excited to share with you a new carrier that I have recently come across called

 The Onya Pure

Before I continue, as you read on you might start to think… ‘Hey! I kind of want one of those carriers!’ If you do, then make sure that you check out the blog post “Epic Instagram Giveaway: #ThankfulforFamilies #Outdoorfamilies” to win your very own Onya Pure Baby Carrier.


*Please note that I was given a product to facilitate this review, however all views of the product are my own. I tested both my 1 year old and my 3 year old in this product.*

A company with values that I can stand behind

I am going to start by saying that my absolute favourite thing that I learned about the company Onya is that they are a  Conservation Alliance Member. In fact, they are the first company to be accepted that is not an outdoors company. What does this mean? Essentially they are committed to helping fund projects that “protect wild places for their habitats and recreation values.”

Now for the actually product review.

Ok one more pre-amble… I am embarrassed to say that I have owned, although we did not purchase them all, a total of 6 carriers since my first daughter was born!!! To say that I know what I like and don’t like in a carrier would be an understatement.

Outdoor Families

Things I love…


The Pure by Onya is comfortable. It was comfortable when carrying my 18 month old and when I was carrying my 3 year old. I even enjoyed carrying my 18 month old on my front for a portion of the hike! The child sits higher and the weight rests on your hips. There are also many ways to adjust the carrier which I go into more detail below.

Lightweight and Breathable

The Pure is Onya baby carrier’s lightest carrier weighing in at just over a pound and is very breathable. The carrier has two zippers in the front that allow the material to be easily folded up revealing a light mesh. This makes the carrier great for hot days and sweaty hikes.


Ok… I have not had the opportunity to truly test the durability of the product but the materials definitely feel and look top notch. They also have a one year warrantee if anything happens to your carrier as they stand behind their products.

The product is well thought out

My second favourite thing about the Onya Baby carrier is that you can truly tell that a bunch of moms put their heads together and said “these are the features we want” and added it to the Onya baby Carrier. The little features that enhance this product are:

Toy loops: Simple but AHmazing. Little loops on each of the shoulder straps to attach toys or, I would like to add, a spill proof snack container.

Adjustment Straps: There are so many different ways to adjust the straps to make it comfortable. In fact more adjustment straps than any other carrier that I have used. At one point the front strap that clips in was uncomfortable and I thought “well this is not going to work.” Then I looked to the side and there were these amazing clips that slide up and down. I slid it down so easily to where it felt comfortable. Anyways the added adjustment straps made it really easy to make the carrier comfortable when carrying either one of my daughters.

Hipster Bag: While this is not actually part of the carrier they sent me the  Hipster Bag  as well to try out with the carrier. While the Hipster bag is an additional cost I seriously love this little bag. Just recently, I had been talking with my husband about the need to purchase a rad 80’s fanny pack so that I could have quick access to snacks and diapers while hiking with a baby on my back. While some carriers, and even some of Onya baby’s other carriers have storage behind the babies back this does not help me when I am hiking by myself with my child on my back.

Well great minds think alike and they have a  Hipster bag   that you can purchase. It slides directly on the waist band and does not affect the comfort of the carrier. I am pretty sure my husband was starting to get annoyed after saying “Look I can fit two diapers and even wipes in here! Oh look there is a little zip pocket so I can hold money and cards just in case I go for coffee at the end of the hike! I could put even more snacks in!” The only thing I would change is to have it in Tie Dye colours as well!

Overall View

The care and thought that went into making The Onya Pure is clear. From the materials to the fine details, my husband and I both feel it will be one of our go-to carriers. I think the best part is that both of our girls seemed really comfortable being carried in the carrier and we both find it comfortable for ourselves when carrying both of the  girls, even our 3 year old.

Onya Baby Carrier

What you need to know….

Babies under 15 pounds: To use the carrier before your baby is 15 lbs you need to purchase the baby booster.

3 Positions: The baby can be on your front facing you, on your side or on your back. The baby cannot face forward.

Sun Cover:   The carrier does not have a sun cover. The back does go up quite high which covers the majority of the childs head  while the child is sleeping.

Storage: While Onya Baby does have other carriers that have storage, there is no storage on this carrier.  You can however, purchase their hipster bag that attaches to the waist band.

The Pure By Onya Baby
By Annika Mang
By Annika Mang


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