Christmas is just around the corner and I am getting so excited for the holidays. During the year my husband and I rarely buy our kids any gifts besides when it is their birthday. I love having the opportunity to get the kids some presents. While I have not decided exactly what we are going to get our two kiddos for Christmas, I have combed through some of our previous gifts that we love and scoured the internet for some of my preferred gift ideas for this year.

If your looking for other gift ideas then make sure to check out these gift guides listed below.

Full Disclosure: There are affiliate links located within this post. The cents that we make off any purchase goes towards are family pizza fund!

Outdoor Clothing


Mec Ursus Bunting Suit

A warm  fleece suit that is great as a base under a a winter suit like the Patagonia Baby Puff Ball.  Also works great on those cold night s while camping!

etta in blue

Patagonia Baby Puff Ball

A friend lent us her daughter’s old one and it is absolutely amazing. Our 18 month old can move around freely and there is lots of room for layering.

Pantagonia toddler suit

Tuffo Muddy Buddy

The Tuffo Muddy Buddy is perfect for rainy winters on the west coast and easy to layer big jackets underneath. The Muddy buddy is affordable at just under $40.00 and is perfect if you live in a city where your winter months are covered with rain.

Muddy Buddy Rain Suit

Smartwool  Wool Socks

Stuff those stockings with socks that are meant for adventure! Pricey but worth it for hiking adventures and cold winter days. These socks will keep your little ones dry and warm!

Jan and Jul Waterproof Mittens

The Jan and Jul Waterproof Mittens are waterproof, stay on and keep the snow out. The company is a local British Columbia Business which means that you can support local at the same time!

Outdoor Gear

Cross Country Skis

Step on plastic cross-country skis like these ones from Lucky Bums First Tracks are fun for young kids to use around the backyard or at the park!

Fischer Cross Country Skis

 Fischer Sprint Crown NIS   Cross-Country Skis ,  boots   and bindings  are great for kids that will go skiing alot more. Check out “How to choose the right skis for my toddler” to help make your decision. We were lucky to get our set second hand but have been having a blast  watching our 3 year old enjoy skiing

.Toddler Skis

Strider Bike

Balance bikes are great for toddlers to get a hang of biking balance which is supposed to help with the transition to pedal easier than a tricycle. I am a big fan of planning ahead so one year we got our 15 month old Strider bike for Christmas. We wanted her to have it for the summertime!

Strider bike ski attachment

Does your little one love to bike? Why not let him keep biking in the winter with the ski attachments from Strider bikes.

Strider Rocking Base

Did Strider bikes think of everything? I think so. They have created a rocking base that turns the Strider balance bike into a rocking bike similar to a rocking horse.

Petzl Tikka Headlamp

Why not surprise your little camper with their very own headlamp?! Skip the kid’s headlamps and buy them one that will last. The Petzl Tikka Headlamp is rechargeable and can use batteries as a back up in case of an emergency. Read stories in the dark around the campfire with the help a light.

Walkie Talkies

For a 3-4 year old walkie talkies bring new type of excitement into playing.


The  Paricon Toddler Boggan Sleds   is affordable and they have a strap to help keep your little one tucked in!

Outdoor Adventure Books

Hikes for Families – A Guide to the Canadian Rockies by Annika Mang

I recently published my first hiking guide book with over 45 hikes near Banff, Canmore, Kananaskis, Bragg Creek, and Calgary called Hikes for Families: A Guide to the Canadian Rockies. The book, available in paperback and eBook format has stroller friendly and wheelchair accessible options. Find more information about the book here.

Hiking book for families

Nupste and Lohtse series  by Jocey Asnong

The books are about two adventurous cats named Nuptse and Lohtse that are brother and sister. With 3 different books this series, each book is situated in a different around the world while they help to fix a problem. With a new book to be released soon where the cats will explore Ucluelet, the cats have already ventured to Nepal, Iceland and the Canadian Rockies.

Nuptse and Lohtse GO to the Rockies

Goodnight Mountains    by Adam Gamble and Mark Jasper:

Goodnight Mountains is part of the popular ‘Good night Series’ but is mountain themed. The only problem with this book is that will have you wishing that you were ending your night sleeping in a mountain home.

Little Prince  by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry:

One of our 3 year old’s first chapter books. A story that both young and old can enjoy is has a strong message about human relationships and growing up. With pictures throughout this is a great first chapter book and one that our toddler enjoyed. This is a classic that is worth being on every bookshelf.

The Little Prince

The Gruffalo  by Julia Donaldson:

This is an adorable story about a witty mouse avoiding being eaten by the other animals in the forest. While that may sound a little gruesome it truly will captivate your little readers with the beautiful pictures and the clever rhymes. There is a second book in the series that is just as well written called “The Gruffalo’s Child”.

The Gruffalo

Outdoor Toys

I love gifts that last longer than a couple of months or even years and that is how I picked out these great gifts. These gifts are great for the outdoors child!

Camp Fire and Fishing Felt Set

This adorable campfire set comes with a fishing set as well. It is adorable and made out of felt.

VW  Volkswagen T1  Campervan Play Tent

Do you love VW Vans as much as we do? This super rad VW tent pops up in seconds and is really compact! Great for play at home, the beach or while camping. Alberta.

VW Campervan Tent

Calico Critters Seaside Camping Set

We fell in love with these little critters and bought our 3 year old daughter the hedgehog family for her birthday. Later on we received the Calico Critter Seaside Camping Set and it has been a favourite.

Maplelea Dolls

A distinctly Canadian Doll line. You can also choose to create your own story with one of the Maplelea Friends collection.

Check out more great gift ideas from these awesome Outdoor Bloggers!

Gift Ideas for Toddlers and Babies



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