Christmas is a month away and I am so excited for the holidays! I wanted to round up my favourite rugged gifts for the outdoor woman and share them with you.  I chose these products because I have been seriously crushing hard on these products for some time. Check them out and trust me… You will be crushing on them too! If your looking for other gift ideas then make sure to check out these gift guides listed below.

Check out these  Rugged Gifts for the Outdoor Woman!!!

Rugged Gifts for the Outdoor Woman

Cedar Carvings by Local Grain

The cedar carvings  by Kimberly Francis at Local  Grain  brings the wonder and beauty of the outdoors right to your living room.  The tree carving is a classic stand out piece but she also does custom designs  based on what you love about the outdoors. Check out more of her pieces on her facebook account and whether you love the surfing piece or the classic tree there is something she can design for you! Local Grain

Mountain Girl Mug by Lace Brick Design 

This local Calgary company sells so many great products but their Mountain Girl Mug caught my eye. I love the feminine but rustic qualities and I can just picture sipping coffee out of matching Mountain Girl mugs with my bestie. Check out their Alberta, Girl, BC Girl and Saskatchewan Girl mugs and tank tops! mountain-girl-mug

Axe  by  Camp and City 

I first heard of Camp and City at a local market called “In the Loop” in Calgary, AB.  These axes are strong and built to last using quality reclaimed Axe heads. What I think I loved the most was the passion that eminated from the owner when he talked about each of the different axes and their unique qualities. axe-camp-and-city

Sunrise Mountain Mug by Alex Apland 

I had a favourite pottery mug that I had brought home from Nepal. The mug broke and so did my heart. I try not to get attached to ‘things’ but this ‘thing’ represented R & A (relaxation and adventure).  I imagine feeling full of R & A while  sipping hot coffee this mug as my children are running circles in the living room at 6 am! mountain-mug

Ergo Slack line Kit by Tiny Big Adventure 

Slack lines are addictive and for good reason. They are very challenging but offer enough success that it makes you want to keep on slackin’. Not only is it crazy fun but it is great for building a strong core an overall strength. The reason why I recommend looking into Tiny Big Adventure for your slackline is because one amazing mama started the website, blog and gear company. The gear has great reviews and her priority is making  outdoor gear affordable for outdoor families.

Tiny Big Adventure SlacklineMountain Necklace by Pure Jeweled Designs

I love me a little bling and mountain bling makes my heart sing! This necklace by Pure Jeweled design keeps the mountains close no matter where you live! mountain-necklace

Water bottle by  Swell Bottle  

I first heard about the Swell bottle in 2012 when a friend started raving about this waterbottle that she bought. She nerded out saying “It keeps things hot for 12 hours or cold for 24 hours, does not taste like metal, partner with charities around the world and it looks super rad.” I could not agree with her more as the water bottle really does it all! Swell Water Bottle Check out these other great gift guides :
Outdoor Gifts for Women
By Annika Mang
By Annika Mang
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