I have to admit that cloth diapering was one of my biggest concerns for the Green UP challenge. I was worried that cloth diapering would cut into my adventure time with the girls and that we would have constant diaper changes or blow outs. Luckily the cloth diapers we chose made exploring a breeze. I was pleasantly surprised with Buttons Diapers and how simple  they made adventuring by being easy to use and staying leak free.  The transition from disposables to cloth diapering  on the go has been so  smooth  and with these tips you can head out on adventures too.

Cloth Diapering Background

We did the diaper service for a while with both girls until it became clear that our finances were unable to support this luxury. I then tried a friend’s cloth diapers and found that they leaked every hour making adventures extremely challenging. At the time it also felt too daunting to rinse, then wash and of course then dry the diapers every 2-3 days in a place where I would have to leave the apartment to get it done. I started using disposables to keep my sanity for my family.

Cloth Diapering on the Go

Pack Smart

Bring a Small-medium wet bag

Don’t worry about cleaning your diapers while your adventuring. Put the diapers and wipes in a wet bag to clean later when you get home.

Bring reusable wipes in a reusable container

Put your reusable wipes in a small reusable container or a wet bag. We have a reusable container that is meant for wipes and keeps them wet and ready to clean.  When they are soiled just put them in with the dirty cloth diaper.

Pack unused Diapers in a wet bag

Pack the  diapers in a dry waterproof  bag to keep them from getting wet on your adventure.

Extra Clothes

Pack at least one extra set of clothes especially if they are under a year! The cloth diapers I have been using for my 20 month old have been leak free after 5-6 hours of adventuring and even on the biggest blow outs. I have not worried if I forgot to pack extra clothes

Note: I don’t recommend leaving littles in cloth diapers for as long as I mentioned above because they are more prone to diaper rash but it is nice that I don’t have to worry about leakage on big adventure days.


How Many Diapers for a full Day adventuring


Babies can  pee a lot and blow outs are not uncommon and you definitely want to be prepared. I suggest bringing enough cloth diapers for 10 diaper changes.


Babies over 6 months tend to need less diaper changes. I suggest bringing enough cloth diapers for 6 changes. Add a few extra in if your worried.


I would pack enough diapers for 4-5 diaper changes.


Whether your cloth diapering or using disposables make sure to get out with your littles on and adventure.


Any other tips for cloth diapering on the go?



By Annika Mang
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3 thoughts on “Cloth Diapering on the Go”

  1. These really look like a workable and practical solution (not to mention more cost efficient!). While I don’t have kids of that age, I will be sharing this post with a few others that I know could use this information.

  2. We cloth diaper exclusively. I’ve been looking for a great post on cloth diapering when you no longer EBF as we will be traveling soon and poop happens. Any suggestions? Great post, btw!

    1. Poop totally happens haha. I have only clothed diapered while away if I can find a way to wash them while I am gone OR I am not away that long and will be home or somewhere to wash them again. If you are driving I have heard of people bringing along a hand washer. The main thing is that you would want to use hot water to make sure they are being sterilized. If you are gone longer and do end up using cloth the whole time and have some tips then I would love a guest post;)

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