Cloth diapering can be overwhelming and it starts when you first try to buy cloth diapers. If you can get past the terminology then you have just scratched the surface of learning about cloth diapers.  Then comes the whole washing process … Don’t get me started. I mean I just want to have a baby and now I have to become an expert in diapers?! Well I have to say that I am happy that I found Buttons Diapers  because they have made cloth diapering easy for me. Since starting Buttons Diapers my daughter has been leak free and they are incredibly easy to use. They make Diapering on the Go a breeze.

*Please note that this is a sponsored post but all views remain my own. One more note… Or should I say ps… I have only used the diapers since my daughter was  17 months old.

Cloth Diapering was something that I had hoped to do with my two girls. Living in a small apartment and my lack of energy to do laundry out of the apartment every few days made it clear that I was not prepared for the work that cloth diapering involved. I started off using a diaper service that I absolutely loved…. minus the price tag. Even when I was using the diaper service it felt incredibly overwhelming to even think about bringing reusable diapers on an adventure. Most of our adventures meant that we were using disposable instead of cloth.

When the price tag became too overwhelming we switched to a friends diapers. Unfortunately they leaked for us every hour . This was not going to work with my adventure lifestyle. While stripping them or fixing them may have worked, I was an over exhausted mom that switched to disposable and at the time was happy that I did. Until I heard about how easy cloth diapering with Buttons Diapers was….

How Do Buttons Diapers Work


Buttons  Diapers are a one size fits all model and  are a two in one system.

One Size Fits All:

Buttons diaper covers  work for babies from 9lbs to 35 lbs.  They have two different sizes of inserts, small and large, depending on the size of your baby.  They have some really cute patterns to choose from  or you can chose to go with a solid color which is a little cheaper.

To in One System:

To properly use the Buttons Diapers you need to have a cover and one of their inserts. The inserts snap directly into the diaper with a snap button. When you change your little ones diaper simply unsnap the insert and replace it with a new one! If the cover is soiled then put the baby in  a new cover and insert.

Nighttime: Nighttime is just as easy. Simply button  a nighttime insert to a daytime insert and then  snap them into the cover.


Day Time: Their day time inserts have a soft fleece on top to make sure that the babies bottom stays soft and dry. They have two types of inserts, a microfiber insert  with 4 layers of absorbent micro fiber and a hemp/cotton insert with  layers of premium natural fabric made up of 55% hemp and 45% cotton.

Nighttime: Their nighttime inserts have to be paired with a daytime insert because they do not have a fleece top layer to go against your babies skin. They have two types of nighttime inserts, a microfiber nighttime insert with  6 layers of micro fiber and a hemp/cotton nighttime doubler  insert with   5 layers of premium natural fabric made up of 55% hemp and 45% cotton.


What I love about Buttons Diapers


No leaking

The leak proof covers are truly leak proof and I have yet to experience leakage using Buttons Diapers. While my daughter has had blow outs they have blown out inside the Buttons Diaper Cover.

Just to really let you know what I have done with Buttons Diapers. I have hiked and cross country skied with my 2 year old daughter for up to 5 hours without changing her diaper. I have used both overnight inserts and left her unchanged for up to 14 hours without any leaking.  Those stats blew my mind and made me wish I had heard of Buttons Diapers sooner.

Did I mention that they haven’t leaked!

Easy to use

I absolutely love that the Buttons Diapers are  so easy to use and perfect for cloth diapering on the go. All you have to do is button the insert into the cover. If your baby has just peed then you can simply switch out the insert and use the same cover. Change the cover after a few changes or at the end of the day unless it has been soiled with poo or smells too much like urine.


The top layer of the microfiber insert wicks away the water leaving my daughters bum dry.   If I have left the insert  in for too long then her bum will get wet and that is when I am thankful for the leak proof cover.

Double Gussets

What the heck is a double gusset?! Double gussets are essentially two sets of elastics around the leg which  allow my adventurer to explore mess free! The double gussets are awesome and really do keep the mess in.


While a young baby would need more cloth diapers, we are only using 4 covers,  12 daytime inserts and 4 nighttime inserts.  If I were honest I would probably use another 2-3 covers and another 3-9 daytime inserts.  That is still not alot of  diapers. Buttons Diapers pride themselves in being affordable and say that you can cloth diaper in their diapers for as little as $240.  The quality and the design of the diapers is also more affordable than their competition.

Ethically Made and a family BUSINESS

The company was started by a  husband and wife. They currently run their business in Northern Idaho out of a  barn that they renovated into offices.  Buttons Diapers are also made responsibly in China and CPSIA certified.


What you need to know


  • While I have not tried the daytime Hemp Inserts I have found that the nighttime Hemp inserts take longer to dry then both the microfiber daytime and nighttime insert. Both of them  have  worked extremely well in keeping my daughter dry for up to 14 hours!
  • They have a lower rise compared to some other diaper covers and so you just need to make sure that the back is a little higher up on the babies back when you are doing up the snaps to prevent plumbers bum.
  • I thought it would be worth it to point out that I love that they are  a family business and ethically made in China however, they are not locally made nor are they made from  organic materials
  • For more information on how the Buttons Diapers work make sure to check out their how to section on the Buttons Diapers Website.



By Annika Mang


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