The Green UP Challenge during the month of March is over. Wednesday’s blog post will give you an insider look at our Green UP journey but today we celebrate the Earth.  We want to thank everyone who participated and followed along with an epic giveaway.  We are so excited  for our Zero Waste Living Package Giveaway!


The giveaway would not be possible without our sponsors Gogo Bags, Hydro Flask, Cheeky Monkey Baby Co. and Buttons Diapers.  One lucky winner will win 2 snack sets,  2 produce mesh bags and a Medium Fresh bag from  Gogo Bags, a 32 ounce Flask from Hydroflask,  a Manly Monkey gift pack from Cheeky Monkey Baby Co. and a $50  credit to Buttons Diapers . The winner will take home over  $200 worth of product!!

Gogo Bags help reduce plastic waste with their snack sets, produce bags! Their fresh bags help reduce food waste by keeping your veggies and fruit fresh longer in the fridge. Read more about their snack sets and produce bags here.

The 32 ounce flask from Hydro Flask is the perfect water bottle for your family adventures.  It will keep your water cold for 24 hours or hot for 12 hours.  If you win the Hydro Flask then you have to try out this Hydro Flask Hack.

The Manly Monkey gift pack from Cheeky Monkey Baby Co. is the perfect gift for the men in your life. Don’t be fooled though because most of the products  can be for women too! Read more about the Manly monkey gift pack here.

The $50 gift card to Buttons Diapers will start  your journey to family cloth whether it is cloth diapering, cloth pads or cloth wipes! Check out our review of Buttons Diapers here.

Enter to win  the Zero Waste Living  Package  Giveaway!!!


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By Annika Mang





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26 thoughts on “Green UP Challenge: Zero waste living package GIVEAWAY”

  1. Love the zero waste challenge!! It’s amazing how much waste can be reduced with some great reusable gears!! I live in the NWT and using cloth diapers definitely reduce the amount of garbage going to our nuisance ground. I would love to win the prize for my LO when she starts with eating.

  2. I’ve enjoyed following along with your challenge. Our son was born this past week and I’d love to get started on cloth diapering! And the idea of using a hydroflask for ice cream on our summer walks is very appealing!

  3. I really want to try buttons diapers, and the other prizes sound wonderful too! Thank you for the opportunity!

  4. Love Buttons covers, they fit my kiddo like a glove. And I’d give the hydroflask to my eldest, so he doesn’t get jealous 😉
    Thanks for the chance!

  5. I really enjoy my Hydroflask. It keeps all my water super cold even on this hot tropical island. I know my husband would love one too! Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Some of these brands are new to me. Hydroflask would be great for cold drinks in the summer. Buttons is a product we’ve already tried and love!

  7. Very cool! Your green up challenge has had me looking for more ways to keep upgrading towards a sustainable lifestyle

  8. Such an awesome prize!! I love the idea of greening my lifestyle as much as I can!! Now to bget hubby on board!! It can be a struggle for him lol!

  9. Our fresh produce goes bad quite quickly here on Guam, and I have had to throw so many fruits and veggies away simply because we can’t eat it quickly enough. I would love to see how the Gogo bags help!

  10. Love that you included mama cloth!! Seriously one of the best changes Ive made is greening my period!

  11. My husband loves good-smelling things. That soap from Cheeky Monkey looks like it would be a great birthday gift for him this summer!

  12. Hi! I really need to learn not to waste that much with this package. This will be a perfect start for my family & raising 3 kids under 4 years old. Thanks!

  13. I love that so many people are really becoming aware of the impact that everyday items make. Thank you for also spreading the word!

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