The first time I really saw my husband interact with kids was shortly after we got married. He was helping a little girl with a disability learn to walk. He was so unbelievably patient and kind. I knew then that he would for sure be a great dad.

So… in honour of this great dad, and in light of Father’s Day, I wanted to celebrate with a giveaway! I am running a giveaway with Kuma and giving away a pair of their sunglasses. They plant 1 tree for every pair of sunglasses sold and have planted over 87,518 trees to date!

Enter to win a pair of sunglasses for your dad, partner or start the summer holidays early and win them for yourself 😉 Choose one entry method or do them all to increase your chances of winning!

Full Disclosure: I was given compensation to run this giveaway but all views are 100% my own.

contest powered by rewards fuel
By Annika Mang

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