There is a blanket of snow covering the streets and I have already shoveled over 10 times. I think it is safe to say that it is starting to feel like Christmas is just around the corner even though it is early November. To help get you in the Christmas spirit, I am sharing with you our favourite family gifts for the whole family. You know, the gifts that you wrap up and open together because they are either all the same or meant to be for everyone in the family. And… one lucky family will have a chance to win all of these amazing gifts at the end of this post!

If your looking for other gifts then make sure to check out our other gift guides listed below!

Holiday Family Gift Guide (+Giveaway)

Disclaimer: I received products to help facilitate the giveaway and the post contains affiliate links. However, each product was handpicked for this giveaway and includes our favourite family gifts for 2019.

Gift Set from Rocky Mountain Soap Company

I have been an avid follower of Rocky Mountain Soap Co. since I was a kid. Their products are all-natural and hand-made in the Canadian Rockies.

The Vanilla Candy Cane Gift Set and the Baby Care Gift Set make great gifts for family members. Alternatively, you can handpick the items and personalize a gift box for each member of the family! They have many different products to choose from including super soft hand creams, soap bars and body washes for all skin types and a variety of bath balms. Learn more about Rocky Mountain Soap Co here.

Get Active as a Family with Spike Ball

Two summers ago our family was introduced to Spike Ball at our friend’s cabin in Montana. I was instantly hooked and so were the kids. While a little bit of space is helpful, my husband and I have been known to play the game in our basement after the kids are sleeping.

What is Spikeball? Imagine if Volleyball and 4 square had a baby. That baby would be Spike Ball. The game Spike Ball is highly addictive and can be played almost anywhere. It can be adapted for all abilities which means that kids as young as 2 can play the game. Do yourself a favour and Youtube Spikeball. Order yours in time for Christmas here.

Family Set of Pyjamas from Lazy Ones

Imagine waking up on Christmas Day and handing out a present to each family member. To their surprise, they open up their present and find that each person has a pair of Lazy Ones matching pajamas. Whether your kids are 1 or 20, you all immediately throw the pajamas on and the tradition begins.

Our favourite style is the classic Bear Cheeks Buffalo Plaid Flap Jack Onesies. We even have a set for our 1-year-old puppy Ukee! Check out the various styles of family matching pajamas here.

Hiking Guide for Families

I am so excited about the . For the past 3 years, I have been working on a hiking guide that includes some of the best hikes for families near Banff, Canmore, Kananaskis, Bragg Creek, and Calgary. All of the hikes in the book are rated specifically for kids and includes information about stroller/wheelchair accessibility. Each book in the Kickstarter also comes with a Hiking Challenge and a set of really cute animal stickers. The book will also include tips/games, safety, trail information, nearby attractions, and more!

The Hiking Guide for Families was on pre-order through the Kickstarter and will be sent out in time to one lucky winner for the summer 2020 hiking season.

Enter to win all of these amazing prizes valued at over $450 below!

The giveaway will start on November 12th at 8:00 am MST and ends on November 19th at 11:49 pm MST.

Family Prize Pack Valued at over $550

Need some more ideas? Check out these great gift guides and giveaways from other outdoor family bloggers!

By Annika Mang
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106 thoughts on “Holiday Family Gift Guide (+Giveaway)”

  1. All of the gifts look awesome! we absolutely swear by the Rocky Mountain Soap baby line. We have used it on our son since birth and it is so gentle and lovely!

  2. So fun!!! Our family would love Spike Ball especially for camping adventures! And matching Christmas Jammies is a dream come true!

  3. Great article and awesome prizes! They play spikeball where I play beach volleyball. I’d love to try it out with the family. I love Rocky Mountain soap and the pjs look adorable! And the hiking guide is much anticipated for our newer-to-hiking family.

  4. I have heard so many awesome things about spike ball! Definitely need to try it, it would make a great camping game.

  5. I can’t wait to received your guide for hiking with families and those super cute pjs. Thabks for eveything you do, you are so inspiring.

  6. The jammies, they’re so cute!
    I’ve seriously appreciated your insights on Kananaskis trails and have just loved getting my kids out to one of my favourite childhood places, thanks for all the awesome articles and this fun giveaway!

  7. I think the ​Family Set of Matching Lazy One Pajamas would be so cute. I would love to surprise my family with this gift!

  8. This is a terrific prize pack, love all of your choices! I’ve never played Spike Ball and would love to give it a try.

  9. Pajamas are always on the list! As a child we got them on Christmas Eve, and my mom continued it with my son.

    I am more excited about the Spikeball… What a great idea. There’s always someone playing when we head to beach!

  10. They’re all such great gifts! My favourite soap scent is vanilla so I’m excited for that but I also love spike ball. My husband and I have played it before but it would be fun to introduce it to the kids!

  11. My faves are the Spike Ball set and the family Lazy Ones PJ’s. It’s so fun to get outside and play games with the family.

  12. I love these ideas – my kids would get such a kick out of matching pjs and I saw some kids playing with the spikeball this summer and thought it would be super fun for my son!!!

  13. I really want to win the Family Set of Matching Lazy One Pajamas! What a great Christmas Eve thing to wear as a family.

  14. I really want to win the Family Set of Matching Lazy One Pajamas. I have always wanted matching pjs and I hope to be lucky enough to win this prize pack.

  15. The ​Family Set of Matching Lazy One Pajamas would be perfect for us as we are 2 adults and 2 kids and we love comfy pj’s!

  16. I really want the ​Family Set of Matching Lazy One Pajamas. It really think it would be cool to see all of us in matching pajamas. It would make for an adorable picture…and memory!

  17. I really want to win the ​Family Set of Matching Lazy One Pajamas (2 adults and 2 kids) because I think it would be cute to get a picture of all us dressed alike…like the one you took of your family. What a cute moment in time this picture would be.

  18. We were looking at the Lazy Ones pjs this weekend. Oh my goodness, so many choices. Definitely going with a family set this year!

  19. We’ve seen a few people playing spike ball in the soccer fields by our house and it looks like lots of fun.

  20. We are always looking for ways to get our kids into hiking with us so I’m excited for the hiking guide! Knowing about the hikes we’re going to do before we do them really helps the kids enjoy them more!

  21. I would love to win the ​Family Set of Matching Lazy One Pajamas. How adorable we would all look on Christmas morning when we all match! I think that would definitely make for a fantastic picture.

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