I love hearing from you. That is right, I love hearing from my readers. It honestly makes me do a couple of things. First, I do a happy dance. Then, I go tell my husband that someone cared about what I was creating and writing with the largest smile on my face. Then, he says “cool”.

So, why am I telling you this?

Well, I had a reader reach out on Facebook and ask me if I was making a Summer Activity Calendar. Prior to the message, I had thought about making a summer activity calendar and I even started creating one. I will be a little vulnerable, but I was not sure that anyone cared if I made one or not. In a moment of doubt I thought that maybe people were getting sick of them!

That little note pushed me to finish the Summer Activity Calendar and publish it! Thank you!

Summer Activity Calendar

I have created a total of four (including this summer calendar) now and I am overwhelmed by your support. The first calendar has been viewed over 180,000 times! That is unbelievable to me. It never would have been viewed that many times without everyone that shared the calendar. After the first calendar exploded I started to create other calendars.

If you missed out on the other calendars then make sure to check them out.

28 Activities for Kids – An Activity Calendar that keeps busy during this time but also gives parents the “okay” to take a break for themselves.

Fun Activity Calendar Inspired by the mountains and camping!

Spring Activity CalendarSpring Inspired Activity Calendar

With some of the activity calendars I have tried to create activities that go along with some of the days. There is everything from mountain inspired scenes that kids can create with these cute animal print outs to indoor and outdoor scavenger hunts.

Indoor and Outdoor Scavenger Hunts

Need to substitute an activity in the Summer Inspired Activity Calendar?

I am teacher. Well, I was teaching full time until we have our second daughter. We found it so hard to have two parents working. We made a bunch of sacrifices so that I would not have to work. We rented a house that was affordable so that my husband could go to school and I could be at home with the kids.

Staying at home with the kids was helpful because we moved around and traveled quite a bit because of my husband’s schooling.

When my husband did his Post Doctoral Fellowship in Calgary I started the Born to be Adventurous platform. After two and a half years off teaching I started substitute teaching. Then, my husband found a professor position in Regina and we moved again. I was once again without a job.

I finally applied to substitute in Regina and once again started teaching.

Then all this happened, schools went online, and I am now no longer teaching again. I decided to use my teaching skills and create resources for families to help them through this challenging time. I wanted to keep them light and fun so that kids would want to do the activities.

If you need to substitute one of the days in the summer activity calendar then make sure to check out these fun activities on the website.

Make an Activity Jar!

Pine Cone Flower Craft

DIY Sponge Boats

Indoor and Outdoor Scavenger Hunts

Make a Fake Campfire (+Free Printable)

Make a Magical Fairy Garden, Troll Garden, or Dinosaur Garden

For me, it is also important to remind parents to be kind to themselves.

This is not normal and we all need to have a break. Even if that means putting on a T.V. show or even a full day of T.V. I am a huge advocate for minimal screen time and outdoor play. However, parent sanity and taking care of yourself is more important.

For this reason I created a Self Care Challenge for parents.

Remember, get rid of that pressure of being the perfect parent. YOU are the best parent for your child. Get rid of that guilt.

I wrote a BOOK!

In case you missed it, and are visiting the Banff, Canmore, or Calgary area, make sure to check out the book I wrote and published called “Hikes for Families: A Guide to the Canadian Rockies”.

Hikes for Families: A Guide to the Canadian Rockies

I am really excited about the Summer Activity Calendar. It is inspired by the outdoors and the nicer weather. Expect some water activities, cool treats, and fun outdoor activities.

Summer Activity Calendar

Summer Activity Calendar

I absolutely love hearing from you whether it is commenting on a blog post, writing me on the @BorntobeAdventurous Facebook or @BorntobeAdventurous Instagram.

annika mang
By Annika Mang
Summer Activity Calendar
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