You know you want a snowboard but now you have no idea what size to purchase for your kids. We made a kids snowboard size chart to help you decide on the best snowboard size for your kids. We even included a baby and toddler snowboard size chart so that you can include even the littlest members in your family on your snowboard adventures.

Why use our kids snowboard size chart?

kids snowboard size chart

Not all snowboard shops know how to size young snowboarders that are new to snowboarding. Often they will recommend boards that are too long and encourage you to increase sizing before your kids are ready. Many kids have more success on snowboards that are smaller than the typical snowboard shops and websites will recommend.

We have personal experience, and have the experience of talking with other families that have kids that are really good snowboarders and consulting with highly experienced snowboard instructors. Our snowboard size chart is based on these recommendations and conversations. If you are looking for more than a snowboard size chart, here are some tips on how to teach your kids to snowboard.

If your kids have or eventually do become experience snowboarders and want to be more specialized in an area of snowboard (all mountain, powder, terrain park), you will want to spend more time investigating snowboards and snowboard sizing.

Should you buy a baby a snowboard?

kids snowboard size chart

If your baby can walk and you want to have some cute photos then you can consider buying there first board early! Invest in the 80 cm Burton After School Special Board that comes with bindings. Depending on how much they grow, you child may be able to use it up until 5 years old! Check out our full review of the Burton After School Special snowboard.

I don’t recommend buying a board smaller than 80 cm unless you have the spare income. The youngest kids that I have known to be able to turn have been 2 years old but have gone snowboarding 50+ times in the year. An 80 cm board is fine for being pulled and going straight which they are still so little. Learn more about buying a toddler snowboard.


For kids, I would look more at child height for a board size then at weight which is why we didn’t include the weight in our chart. While we included the typical age of the child, we recommend to choose a snowboard size on child height and not their age.

Does your child fit between sizing?

For beginners, choose a snowboard closer to their chest unless they weight quite a bit more then average for their height. Then you may want to choose a snowboard closer to the child’s chin. It can be hard with kids because they can grow fast so if you feel like your child will be going through a big growth spurt then you may want a board between the chest and chin if they are a beginner. Remember that for beginners, longer boards will be more challenging to learn to turn on.

Kids Snowboard Size Chart

Typical Age of kidsChild HeightSize of snowboard
1-4 years old<40 inches or <101.6 cm80 cm
3-5 year olds40-45 inches or 101-114 cm90 cm
5-7 year olds45-50 inches or 114-127 cm90-100 cm
7-10 year olds50-55 inches or 127-139 cm100-110 cm
9-13 year olds55-60 inches or 127-152 cm110-120 cm
10-14 year olds60-65 inches or 152-165 cm120-150 cm

Looking for a snowboard?

For older kids, check out this line of kids snowboards.

For kids under 5, we highly recommend purchasing the Afterschool Special as it comes with bindings! Then, pair it with the grom boots! If your child’s feet are too small then use a sturdy winter boot until they are ready to wear the snowboard boots with big socks. The bindings are made in a way that it can accommodate regular, sturdy winter boots unless your child has started to turn.

There are even new Step On bindings for Groms aka toddlers and big kids! Check out our full review of the StepOn Bindings for kids and toddlers: Childrens snowboard bindings.

25% off Snowboard Helmets and Goggles

Have the board but need affordable and high quality helmet or goggles? BLACK25” at check out here. Use the code “BTBA” anytime for 15% off at check out here.

For young kids, I recommend the Reindeer + Happy Valley Kids Snow Bundle.

For older kids, I recommend investing in the MITS safety feature and purchasing the Elks MIPS helmet and the Ultra Zeiss Goggles. Our 11 year old, my husband, and I both have these helmet and ski goggles.

I have been writing about snowboarding with kids for a few years now! Check out our other snowboarding resources.

snowboarding tips

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