There is more to Cypress Hills Saskatchewan than the forested hills, the unique hiking trails to the conglomerate cliffs, and the sandy beaches. Only 20 minutes North from Cypress Hills Saskatchewan Centre Block is a place to enjoy the day connecting as a family, Grotto Gardens Family Fun Farm. Guide to Grotto Gardens Family Fun…
Family Adventure Travel: The Ultimate Bike Road Trip across Idaho
The experience of mountain biking last year across Northern and Central Idaho has left a permanent dent into my being. After leaving such a good impression, I had to say yes to exploring the mountain biking and family activities at Grand Targhee which is located in Wyoming but only accessible from Idaho. It was epic…
Soak Up the Ultimate Family Adventure at Grand Targhee
Nestled in the state of #Wydaho, Grand Targhee Resort is a base camp for adventurers of all abilities near the Grand Tetons. While the state of Wydaho does not actually exist, locals created the term to describe the epic playground in Wyoming that is only accessible from the state of Idaho.
Ditch the Ipad and try these Road Trip Activities for Kids
I was beyond nervous the first time we decided to drive 10 hours straight with two little kids. I thought for sure my sanity would be lost somewhere on the highway. In order to survive the trip I immediately decided we would need an Ipad. Then, I worried that if I let them watch a…
Explore Northern Idaho : Bikes, Brews and Family Fun
Our family is 10 days into our 90-day Western US VW van trip and we have started our adventuring out strong. After spending time wrapping up loose ends in Canada while relaxing on a friend’s property in Yakh, BC we crossed the U.S. border and left Yahk in our tracks! The wild turkeys were waiting…
Roadtripping with 3 young children: 5 Family West Coast Destinations
Some parents are horrified when they think of travelling long distances in a car with young children. Add in that you are not going to use any technology and many families would say that is impossible. Well Rachel and Andrew Machnee do not and have been on multiple family roadtrips with their 3 young children.…
5 Family Friendly Surf Destinations
So you want to take your family on a surfing adventure? The most important decision you must make – even more important than how many diapers and boards to bring – is where to go? Many surfers seek desolation, gnarly waves and places that don’t necessarily have a lot going on culturally. Basically,…
Chasing Waterfalls
Meet Holly and her adorable little family. I have known Holly since highschool and have recently connected over social media!!! She loves the outdoors and shares her love of the outdoors with her adventurous family. Their most recent trip with their toddler sent them chasing waterfalls. Check out their family adventure and all the beautiful places…
Surfing in Portugal with a Baby
My husband and I just decided that in a few weeks we will be heading to Ucluelet and Tofino for some surfing on Vancouver Island. Not only are we SO excited to go on our first big road trip with our new VW camper van (new to us, it’s actually 23 years old…), but we…