self care

Self Care Challenge

Schools have been out for a week (or more) depending on where you are from. Life, as we know it for the coming months, is unknown. It can feel scary, overwhelming, and exhausting. As we move forward, one of the biggest challenges during all of this as a parent will be carving out time to…

New Adventures Post-Partum

After keeping a pretty safe hold on the handbrake, I decided to release and commit fully to following the imaginary line on the trail. A bump in the trail sent me soaring. After landing softly, I approached a turn and, as instructed, I slowly pumped the brake. I reached the turn, let go of the…

Get in the Picture Meet Up

When I met with Shirley Lynne of Day in the Life of Mom Photography  to discuss planning a meet up together we immediately clicked. For this meet up we wanted the women to connect with each other over some coffee and in a beautiful outdoor environment. We also wanted to get moms out from behind…

Mama’s Movement

It is almost impossible to describe in words how I felt after the Mama’s Movement. The event took place on May 27th at the Bolder Climbing gym in Calgary, Alberta. I could hardly fall asleep that evening as I thought about all the incredible women that came out. I was inspired by each woman’s ability…