I am starting off this post with a little bit of bad news. Or, maybe I simply want to be real and address an issue that not everyone wants to talk about and admit out loud. RVs, campervans, and even trailers are expensive and for a lot of people does not feel like a possible…
Baby and Toddler Sleeping Bags for Camping: Morrison Outdoors Sleeping Bag Review
For the adventurous family, the Morrison Outdoors Sleeping Bag is the baby product you may not know you need. The baby and toddler sleeping bags for camping are a GAME CHANGER. If you’re anything like me, you knew that you wanted to introduce your child to the great outdoors from a very early age and…
9 Incredibly Fun Camping Games for Teens
Are you looking to get some fun and excitement on your next camping trip with teens? Teens are incredibly fun to camp with because unlike younger kids who need a lot of hand holding, teens usually just need a little direction to turn any outing into a full on party. Full Disclosure: This post contains…
Guide to Hiking the West Coast Trail with Kids
The West Coast Trail, located on the traditional territory of the Huu-ay-aht, Ditidaht, and Pacheedaht First Nations, is one of Canada’s most challenging hiking trails. Ladders a few stories high to climb, tide tables to manage, roots that will twist your ankle, and boulders as large as vans to scale. It also is one of…
Camping and Vanlife
Backcountry camping with kids, car camping in a tent with kids, front country camping in a camper van with kids, and living the van life as a family… we have done it all! Your Guide to Camping with Kids Van life with kids When I was pregnant with our second daughter, I became obsessed with…
Best 4 Man Tent for Families
Finding a quality 4 man tent to sleep in as a family is important. But first, you need to decide if you want to have a bit more space? Is cost a factor? Do you want a 4 person tent that will also double as a backcountry tent for your family? Does the early morning…
New innovative BioLite headlamp available in time for Christmas
Our family has officially started our 3 month Van trip with Dusty our VW van. He is a 1993 VW Eurovan with lots of character and is a big part of our family. I am writing this in Yahk, BC while the kids sleep in the van that is parked near the river on our…
Van Life Families: Finding your village
Hi there! I’m Lily from the Blog Max and Ivy and we are a family of four based in Sydney, Australia. Our two kids are Max and Ivy, aged 3 and 2. I spend a fair amount of my time road tripping and enjoying the Van Life with the kids in our campervan while my…
Camping in a VW Van : How to sleep a family of 4
Camping in Dusty our ’93 VW Eurovan has been one big adventure since we bought him in 2015. We bought him shortly after having our second daughter when I was having some intense nesting instinct while pregnant. Meet Dusty in this post here. There have been many ups and downs but overall the memories we…
Sleep well with Woolino’s merino wool sleep bags
I first heard about Woolino in a parent group. One of the parents mentioned that they loved using the Woolino merino wool sleep sac while camping. The comment came at the right time since I was in need of a new sleep bag for my youngest daughter and a sleeping bag while camping. I did…