Getting outside with your little one in every season is so important. Not only does the fresh air help your little one but it is also great for mom too. Getting outside in the winter for long periods can be challenging but those challenges should not stop you from adventuring outdoors. One of those challenges is breastfeeding. Breastfeeding in the winter can be a chilly affair. Exposing the back and stomach when it is cold out to feed your little for 20-40 minutes can be downright unpleasant. Here are a few tips to help stay covered up while breastfeeding in the winter:
Pull down/pull up method
The pull down/pull up method is great for breastfeeding in the winter. Wear a T-shirt with a low neck or a Tube shirt. It needs to be a top that can easily be pulled down to expose the breast. Over top of this shirt, wear a t-shirt or a long sleeve shirt that you can easily pull up. The pull down/pull up method ensures that the only skin that is exposed is your breast instead of your whole stomach and back.
Choose a sweater that zips up
A sweater that zips up can still be warn and wrapped around your back and potentially even wrapped around the baby while breastfeeding. Depending on the sweater you may be able to leave it slightly zipped up while breastfeeding which would help to keep your back warm.
Warm winter jacket
A jacket that covers part or all of the bum will insure that your back is covered however you are needing to hold your baby while breastfeeding.
Cover up
Having a blanket or a breastfeeding cover can help you and your little one stay cozy and warm especially if it is a little windy. Even though I rarely used a breastfeeding cover with my second daughter it was so nice when I remembered to pack it for cross-country skiing or snowshoeing adventures.
Any other tips to help keep breastfeeding mamas warm in the winter? Help outdoor mamas out by commenting below!
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