Born to be Adventurous was created in March 2016. Throughout the year there have been some favourite posts that keep on getting shared and so I wanted to make sure that you did not miss out on one of Born to be Adventurous’ top posts of 2016!

Before I share with you the top posts I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has checked out the blog and followed me on social media! I have reached all of my blog and social media goals. The best part? Although I have had many ups and downs, I still enjoy this creative project and am looking forward to more excitement in the New Year from giveaways to programs and more! If you are unsure of how to support a blogger well… Follow me on social media, comment on my posts and share if you enjoy what I have written. Again THANK YOU for being a part of my creative project. Now for Born to be Adventurous’ top posts of 2016

Born to be Adventurous’ top posts of 2016

Hiking Games for Toddlers

An instant hit and one that families enjoyed because they want to enjoy getting outdoors with their little ones. This article also got picked up by the Alberta Hiking Association and was featured in their December Newsletter. Get caught up, check out these activities and be ready because the hiking season is only a few months away!





Single mom finds healing in the outdoors

A story that completely moved me when I read it. This inspirational story by Kelsey General show the strength of a single mom has she leaves an abusive husband and works to understand a son that at the time was not yet diagnosed with having autism.




The Birth Experience

Two birth experiences told by two different mamas. One is my story is of our  epic homebirth and the other is of Kellie Willie’s beautiful C-section. Both stories are perfect and the beginning of an adventurous family.



Toddler Sleep While Camping

Clearly a hot top for anyone with babies or toddlers is sleep so it is no wonder that this was popular. Sleeping while camping can be a challenge and make it more exhausting. My number 1 tip? You will have to check out the post 😉



No Longer an Outdoor Mama…

Clearly it is important to talk about how parenting is not always easy and that is why this post was loved so much. A little inside to my daily struggles with the littles. Getting outside with kids is important but the most important thing for your kids is that you love them. So make sure to take care of yourself first otherwise you will find it difficult to give them any love.






A FLOAT PLANE, a Boat and a Baby

This guest post by Laura MacPherson captures the adventure that you can have with your little ones if you are up for the challenge. Her story is fun, exciting and just shows that a little planning and an adventurous heart will get you adventuring with your little ones.






By Annika Mang
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