When I was asked to be an Adventure Mama Ambassador I knew I wanted to celebrate with a giveaway so that I could support all of you adventure souls out there. I also thought it was fitting to reach out to a company for the giveaway that had inspired and encouraged me to start my creative project. That company is Tiny Big Adventure and they have the BEST product for families wanting to adventure outdoors. The Tiny Big Adventure ERGO slackline kit  is  the ultimate outdoor family activity. You can bring adventure with you anywhere whether it is in the mountains, a  park or your very own  backyard. 

*please note that I was given product to facilitate this post, however all opinions are my own.


Tiny Big Adventure is a growing company headed by two adventurers . They  are passionate about the benefits of the outdoors  and  are motivated to inspire families to get outdoors and adventure together. This is truly visible throughout their encouraging Instagram accounts and the fact that their  products are designed to bring big name quality in at a more affordable pricing so that all families can get out there and enjoy the outdoors.

I have had first hand experience  being inspired not only by their Instagram  accounts and magazine but by their constant positive feedback  and support for my own creative project. They just give serious feel good vibes!




Tiny Big Adventure  introduced their slackline to the U.S. market in November and as soon as they put it into stock it immediately sold out!

 It was not available in Canada until NOW!! They are Introducing the slackline to Canada the last week of February!!!

What is a slackline?

A slackline  is essentially a line that you balance on and walk across. Think tight roping at the Circus but in your backyard and only 2 FT off the ground.

Why Slackline?

Slacklining  is a great  core and balance work out. It can be done by kids and adults. It is also incredibly fun and addicting. The only issue we have had?  Its hard to get a turn when your 3 year old just wants to practice balancing.


What makes the Tiny Big Adventure Ergo Slackline so great for families?


They wanted it to be a truly family friendly kit so they put in a special ratchet with a higher safety rating and ergonomic handle so applying tension and releasing is easy for any adult.


They have included a one inch training line and ratchet as well as a training guide line. In my opinion, these are necessary for kids to help them be successful while slacklining. They are not just for kids though as the training lines  make it  easier for any beginner trying to slackline.


Their products are high quality and meant to last.  If you have any issues they have a 6 month return policy. They WANT you to enjoy and love their product. When I received the product my husband and I both were pleasantly surprised that it appeared to be extremely durable and high quality.


When does high quality and affordable go together? Not often, but the Tiny Big Adventure ERGO Slackline is both high quality, includes everything you need to slackline and is affordable.




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By Annika Mang



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