When you have a new baby, people are always telling you that your children will grow up fast. I am really starting to feel like my two little babies are no longer babies anymore. My 1 year old is turning 2 in May and my 3 year old is constantly surprising me with her willingness to adventure and ability to exceed our expectations. I am becoming more relaxed as a parent and feeling more confident in going on longer adventures with both girls on my own. Recently, I took my two littles snowboarding by myself.

There was a little bit of chaos but a whole lot of fun. I am surprising myself daily with how happy these little girls make me and how much fun we have together. Lately, it feels like my little girls are two of the coolest adventure partners I could ever have…and I get to hang out with them everyday!
Lately, it feels like my little girls are two of the coolest adventure partners I could ever have…and I get to hang out with them everyday!
I was lucky to borrow a snowboard (so I had two After School Special Snowboard‘s with bindings) and a Lil’ Ripper Gripper Harness from a good friend. I packed a whole lot of snacks, lunch and of course hot chocolate. The perfect 10 C sunny spring weather helped keep the girls moods at an all time high.

We were ready to snowboard at 11:00am. The girls had smiles on their faces but I new that hunger can always change their moods so I gave them each a couple of apple slices and stuffed a couple extras in my pocket. I left the rest of our gear close by where we would be snowboarding, and only brought my baby carrier along. Then I grabbed both of the girl’s Riglets (a snowboarding string that attaches to their snowboards) and pulled them to the magic carpet. I spent a couple of seconds deciding how I was going to get two littles up the magic carpet, only to conclude that I would just have to wing it!

I helped my 3 year old on to the magic carpet first. Then I picked up my youngest and walked beside the magic carpet, so that I could put my 1 year old down just behind my oldest. Once we neared the top, I picked up my youngest and walked off the magic carpet. My oldest got off the magic carpet successfully without any help . Whew, magic carpet ride #1 complete!
I felt like I was running a circus show, as I was holding two harnesses attached to two young children.
Next step, snowboard down the kids run. I felt like I was running a circus show, holding two harnesses attached to two young children at the same time. My 3 year old wanted to fly down the hill but I forced her to slow down. My 1 year old was seriously adorable as she tried to keep up to her big sis. She was looking so strong and I only wished that I could have given her more attention. As we neared the bottom of the hill my youngest looked at me like I was crazy, and I asked her if she was all done. A strong “yes” let me know that she had already had enough.

Luckily, she was happy to jump into the baby carrier. With my youngest in the carrier I got my 3 year old onto the magic carpet. Once at the top she successfully got off the lift by herself. This time I only had to worry about one snowboarder shredding down the mountain. My 3 year old showed off her skills and made it down the mountain without falling. My 1 year old enjoyed the extra movement in the carrier as I lightly ran to allow my oldest daughter to ride freely with little help from the harness.

We continued snowboarding with this routine at least 7 more times up and down the hill before it was time for lunch. Both girls had smile on their faces and I knew that the day had been a success. We all enjoyed some great toddler conversation over lunch and hot chocolate before heading home for a late nap for my youngest.

Adventuring with the girls is not always easy but it is becoming more and more natural for our family.
Adventuring with the girls is not always easy but it is becoming more and more natural for our family. There are tough moments, but honestly as they get older and the more we do it, the easier it gets. It might just be that we are better at going with the flow or our expectations are lower. Whatever it is, I am happy that I get to adventure regularly with my two kiddos. They keep my life exciting and full of love!
I have been writing about snowboarding with kids for a few years now! Check out our other snowboarding resources.
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2 thoughts on “Two Littles, One Mama and an All Girls Snowboarding Adventure”