Earth Day is this Saturday April 22nd and I wanted to round up some of my most recent favourite activities that are all sustainable with low impact on the environment. Grab some friends and your family and celebrate the Earth with low impact activities. Getting outdoors and enjoying the beauty that the earth has to offer is one of my favourite ways to celebrate Earth day. Just make sure to follow the leave no trace principles to keep it low impact!  26 Outdoor Activities to Celebrate Earth Day!

Just Play Outside ANYWHERE

Let your kids play outside whether it is in the front yard of backyard. If I sit on my front steps my two girl’s imagination will run wild as they create a new world under our two trees!

Take a Hike

Go on a hike anywhere! Whether it is local park trails or in the mountains you will be happy to soak up some vitamin D. Are you going with toddlers? Try these hiking activities to help them stay motivate! Going with a baby? Then entertain a baby with these tips!

Go Snowshoeing

Is there still snow where you live? Why not try snowshoeing! If you do not own any then try and rent some at a local outdoors store.

Ride a Bike

It is time to take the bike for a spin. Bike around the neighbourhood or drive to some country or mountain trails to get away from the city. Make sure you wear a helmet and put it on correctly.  Check out how to properly fit a helmet here. 


Forest Bath

Have you heard of forest bathing? It is walking slowly in a forest or trails without talking. You just soak up the wild around you. Just make sure you know where you are going so you don’t get lost!

Visit a Playground

Visit a local playground or drive to one that is further away for a change. Let the kids run around and enjoy the outdoors!

Go for a Run

Go for a run as a family. Run around the block to increase those endorphins. Have a bit of time by yourself? Why not go for a run or a run/walk by yourself.

Go Cross-country skiing

If there is still cross-country skiing around you then get the last few sessions in before the season is done. It is Saturday April 15th and it has been snowing for the last 2 hours!  Check out how to teach your toddler to get up after they fall while skiing here.

Climb a Tree

Be a monkey for a day and find the perfect climbing tree!

Search for Bugs

Get a magnify glass and start searching for bugs. They are starting to come out now that it is springtime.

Go slacklining (But make sure to use tree protectors!)

Have you ever been slacklining? These are great for parks with big trees. Not only do they promote a strong core and balance but they also are extremely fun for the whole family. Check out this slackline!

Have a campfire

Build a campfire with the kids and then enjoy supper and/or s’mores. Campfires are great for relaxing!

Play in a Puddle

Jump in a puddle and have fun making a big splash! Try putting different items like rocks, sticks and leaves in the puddle and see what happens!

Go Skateboarding

Get out your board and go for a skateboard. We love skateboarding while our two little gals ride their bikes. Sometimes this means just going up and down the street with them but we enjoy just getting outside together as a family.

Float “Boats” down a stream or Gutter

When the water starts to drain from our street it creates a fun “mini” river. We race leafs and sticks to see whose ends up down the drain the fastest!

Have a picnic

Pack up some food, a blanket and have a picnic outdoors. It can be at the park or just in your backyard.

Go Geocaching

Geocaching is a fun activity for all ages! You follow coordinates by using the geocache app and find a hidden  “treasure”.  When you find the treasure you often either write your name on a piece of paper in the hidden container. You can get a free app or upgrade the app and play. Learn more about geocaching here. 

Make Your Own Upcycle GeoCache

Upcycle and make your own Geocache out of a  something that would have gone into the waste or recycling. Find out how to make one here. 

Make Nature Crowns

Make nature crowns out of fallen branches, twigs or flowers! Use  biodegradable string to hold it together. Then pretend to be the rulers of the forest.

Bird Watching

Grab some binoculars and go outside to find some birds for some old fashion bird watching. If you have a bird book you can try to identify them too!

Play Soccer/Football/Basketball outdoors

Grab your favourite sports ball and play outside in your backyard or at the park. Better yet invite some friends and neighbours along to get the whole community active.

Cloud Gazing

Grab your outdoor blanket or lie straight on the grass and look up at the clouds. Use your imagination and try to see what type of object/creature/animal the cloud is forming!


Dress warm and head to a campground.  Have a newborn?  Use these tips for camping with a newborn.  Have a toddler? Here are a few ways to help your toddler sleep while camping.

Scavenger Hunt

Grab a pale and go on a scavenger hunt. Find a free printable from Little Family Adventure Website  here   and another on Mommy Hiker blog  here or create your own. Choose to have kids just find the items or let them take a camera along to take pictures of the objects the find!

Park/Beach Clean Up

A great way to celebrate the earth is to help clean it up! Grab a garbage bag and head to your local park and clean it up so that it is ready for summer play.


If your river or lake is no longer frozen then it’s time to bust out the boats! Get out and enjoy the scenery from the water


More fun posts about Earth Day!

Earth Day for Every Family Member – Raising Kids Wild

11 Unique Ways to Teach your Kids about Earth Day –  Hike Like a Woman

[Guest Blogger Series] An Exclusive Mommy Hiker Hiking Trail Scavenger Hunt by Debi Huang – Mommy Hiker


By Annika Mang


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