A big thanks to Mountain Mom and Tots for nominating me for their Rockin’ Motherhood post.
To be honest I was a little embarrassed to participate in this series and write out a list of ways that I rock motherhood BUT then I remembered my sport psychology training. When I played rugby we would have to participate in sessions that required us to engage in positive goal setting and visualization. This psychological training helped us perform on the field. So I am taking this as my mom psychology training and I am going list the ways that I rock motherhood .
I want to encourage you to write out a list of 10 ways that you rock motherhood at home. Even if you don’t 100% believe it write it out anyways. These types of practices can help us improve our own self worth. We moms can be so hard on ourselves so give yourself a break and remember how awesome you are!
Before I get started on the ways that I rock motherhood I want to give you two tips on how you should write out the ways that you rock motherhood.
- Be positive. Write out how you rock motherhood in a positive way. For example “I get my kids outside everyday” instead of “I don’t keep my kids indoors or I usually get my kids outside.”
- Be specific. Write out something that you specifically do that makes you rock motherhood. “I make sure my kids are fed everyday” instead of “I take care of my kids”.
How I Rock Motherhood!
- I take my kids outside to play everyday
- I take time for myself guilt free
- I tell them I love them everyday no matter how they acted
- I tell them stories on long car rides and while out hiking
- I make healthy meals but balance with treats on occasion
- I take the girls to church every week and pray with them everyday
- I read to the girls everyday
- I spend a lot of time compromising and never think of parenting as a battle to win
- I genuinely enjoy spending time with my kids
- I take my kids out on adventures and push our family to get outside!
- Thank the blogger that tagged you and link to their blog.
- List 10 things you believe make you a good mother (this is just a guideline. It can be more or less than 10.
- Tag some bloggers to join in the #RockingMotherhood Tag.
- Grab the #RockingMotherhood badge and add it to your post or sidebar.
If you have a blog and would like to be tagged let me know. I am tagging TableSpoonofWild and PlayOutsideGal since they are rocking motherhood while adventuring with their kids!

What a nice post. I rock motherhood as well.
That is so awesome! We have to embrace our role as a mom and just ROCK IT!
Hi Annika,
Thank God I found this blog! You’ve got great contents has inspired me deciding to push my family tom get out more!
I was searching the net and saw a blog post here:http://datingwithnature.com/top-camping-and-hiking-blogs/ that listed you among top outdoor blogs for families. Here i am happy and inspired!
Will be coming back for more reading and inspiration to try out with my family.
Thank you for sharing this awesome stories and keep rocking your motherhood!
Thanks so much! Glad to have you following along