The weather outside might be getting colder but fall is actually one of my favourite times of the year. There is something about the changing colours of the leaves,  the brisk cool air and the beautiful sunny blue skies. My husband and I love it so much we got married in  October! The downside is that my two littles had been complaining that it was too cold. The 2 celcius mornings are a bit brisk but staying inside is not an option for my sanity.  We also need to really  enjoy these days since -20C is only a couple of months away.  To get them outside and engaged, I threw together a Fall Scavenger Hunt. Then, since my 2 year old decided not to nap, we took our findings and made a nature craft!

Fall Scavenger Hunt

  What You’ll Need:

  • Pen/Pencil
  • Basket/Bag to collect Items
  • Print the below Scavenger Hunt  *

* To print  graphic below, save to your computer and then  print it using the “shrink to fit the page” option.



Print of the scavenger hunt, make sure you have a pencil  and a bag to collect the  items.

This fall themed Scavenger Hunt is easy to do around the neighbourhood or in a park! I like to go for a walk around the block or head to the park to do the scavenger hunt so that I can enjoy some exercise  and fresh air too.

Extra Notes: My girls loved collecting more than one leaf. They also were really excited when we saw a bunny and a squirrel.  I like to write down  what we find  or climb so that we can talk about it later at supper time.


Nature Craft Collage

What You’ll Need:

  • Scavenger Hunt Items (That were collected)
  • Piece of paper
  • White Glue
  • Brush or Stir Stick (Someting to apply the glue)


Put some white glue on a plate or piece of cardboard.

Let your child create their own nature collage by adding  glueing their scavenger items to the piece of paper. Sometimes we create people with our nature objects or make a tree out of the sticks and leaves that we find. Have fun and let them be creative!



Get Outside, Explore and Craft!!!




By Annika Mang



img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-5590″ src=”” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”1400″ />
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