Youth across Alberta are experiencing a higher rate of delayed physical and mental development than other provinces¹. Research is saying that this  delay is happening because children are not exploring and playing outdoors enough. Program developers at WinSport in Calgary Alberta came across this research and worked hard to develop a new program for children  in the early years to help fight this    delay.  The program is called the Early Explorers and is coming to Calgary   this February 2018.

WinSport’s Early Explorers Program

Early Explorers engages children aged 3-5 years old in nature-based  play  mostly in an outdoor environment.  The program allows the children to be curious and learn at their own pace.  When indoors,  learning will be child directed and children will be able to engage in activities like dramatic play, weaving station, sand tables  and arts and crafts.

Last spring I highlighted research that talked about the importance of outdoor play in  “Let the Kids Play: Benefits of Outdoor Play”   post.  This program  gives children the opportunity to engage in the optimal learning setting which is different than traditional preschool programs. Children at Early Explorers get to learn primarily outdoors.

Check it Out for Free

Bring your whole family and check out the new facilities for free in 1 of 3 open houses.   You will be able to meet the program leaders,  check out both the indoor and outdoor space, ask any questions and enjoy some refreshments.

Open House Times:

  • January 17th : 4:00pm-6:00 pm
  • January 27th : 10:00 am- 12:00pm
  • January 27th:  1:00pm -3:00 pm

Register for the Free Open House Session Here.

Register in the Early Explorers Program

The Early Explorers program  is for children aged 3-5 and they must be potty trained. The program is offered on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday from 9:00 am- 11:30 am or 1:00pm-3:30 pm. The cost for the program is $180.00 for 6 sessions and you can choose between 1 day a week or 2 day a week option.

Learn more about the   Early Explorers Program and Register here. 


By Annika Mang



  1. Alberta Education. (2015-2016).    Early Development  Instrument.





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