There seems to be a rule after having children that moms are supposed to get together over baked goods and talk about their babies. As their children get older, moms meet their friends at play places to enjoy the brief moments of conversation they can get in between changing diapers, fixing boo boos and sorting out toddler tantrums. These meet ups are not bad at all. BUT… somehow there is this inner mama that is coming out with celebrities and non-profit groups like the Adventure Mamas. Moms want to meet up and do more. They also even want to meet up without their children (GASP!!). Now imagine a different sort of Mama Meet Up group. One where you meet up to do activities like climbing, cross-country skiing and snowboarding. Without the children. BTBA Alberta Mamas has been having adventure meet ups for mamas since December 2017.


BTBA Alberta Mamas Bolder Climbing Event

Last week,   BTBA Mamas enjoyed climbing at Bolder Climbing. The group had varying abilities but all the same heart. We were excited to have some times to ourselves, get to know each other and get pumped. Some Mamas had never climbed before and were tackling the wall. Other Mamas had done most of their climbing pre-kids only to climb once again at the event.  But its not just about the climbing.
Post-climb all the women went upstairs to enjoy Kombucha from local Calgary company True Buch and snacks together. While we did of course talk about our kids, we also talked about other topics like the climbing session and who we are as individuals. Every mama felt refreshed. Including me.

Are you of do you know a Mama that would love to connect?


All Alberta Mamas head to the BTBA Alberta Mamas group here.

All Saskatchewan Mamas head to the BTBA Saskatchewan Mamas group here.


By Annika Mang

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