The Born to be Adventurous Mamas groups supports mothers that want to enjoy exploring the outdoors with their families.

Born to be Adventurous Mamas
The Born to be Adventurous (BTBA) Mamas’ groups were created under the Born to be Adventurous platform to connect mamas in Canada an adventure community.
Women are able to connect in an inclusive environment to engage in new and old adventures.
The online Facebook groups serve as a platform for meet-ups, events and conversations related to motherhood. The conversations in the group range from adventure activities to post-partum health related topics.
Born to be Adventurous Mamas’ Groups
There are six Born to be Adventurous Mamas’ Groups.
One is a general BTBA Mamas group that was formed in December 2017 by myself (Annika Mang, the creator of Born to be Adventurous).
Since groups were started, there have been over 150 grassroots meets ups across British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan.
Join a Group
If your a mama, make sure to join the conversation on our general Born to be Adventurous Facebook Mama’s Group.
There are also five other local Born to be Adventurous Mama’s Facebook groups across Canada. Join your local group:
Calgary – Born to be Adventurous Mamas YYC
Edmonton – Born to be Adventurous Mamas YEG
Saskatchewan – Born to be Adventurous Mamas Saskatchewan
Vancouver – Born to be Adventurous Mamas Vancouver
Fraser Valley – Born to be Adventurous Mamas Fraser Valley

WHY Born to be Adventurous MAMAS?
First of all…
The term Mamas was chosen because I wanted a name to distinguish us as mothers instead of women without children since it is a group for moms.
The word Mama brings thoughts of the great Mama like a Mama Bear.
Mama is someone who is a leader, fierce and is the protector of their children.
But a mama is not only someone who is strong but also someone who is a provider, loving and caring.
It was important for me to target mamas because as a woman myself and a mother of 2 little girls I know the challenges that moms face when trying to get out and adventure.
There are a number of reasons that can make it overwhelming including having to find a babysitter or worrying whether you are strong enough for an activity that you did pre-pregnancy. Other mothers may have never been exposed to adventure activities pre-kids and feel like there is no way for them to learn how to do an adventure activity anymore because of time and ability.
This group is made for all moms no matter the ability and background.
Mamas Understand
A group of moms gets it and knows that emergencies come up.
Sometimes as a mom you might set everything exactly right to get out of the house only to have your child puke all over the house.
We will understand if you have to cancel BUT we will also try to push you to try to take time for yourself.
Not because we want to be pushy but because we know how much we have benefited from the time away from our kiddos to focus on ourselves.
This group is for mamas that breastfeed, formula feed, eat organic, eat nachos (seriously love those nachos), use cloth diapers, use disposable diapers, vacinate, don’t vacinate etc etc etc etc.
We are united in this group because we love our children and because we want more adventure in our lives.
We want to show our children that it is important to take care of ourselves so that we can take care of them. On that note…
Click to Join one of our a Born to be Adventurous Mamas Facebook Group
If your a mama, make sure to join the conversation on our general Born to be Adventurous Facebook Mama’s Group.
There are also five other local Born to be Adventurous Mama’s Facebook groups across Canada. Join your local group:
Calgary – Born to be Adventurous Mamas YYC
Edmonton – Born to be Adventurous Mamas YEG
Saskatchewan – Born to be Adventurous Mamas Saskatchewan
Vancouver – Born to be Adventurous Mamas Vancouver
Fraser Valley – Born to be Adventurous Mamas Fraser Valley
Don’t see your province here or do you want a general Born to be Adventurous Mamas group? Get connected and let me know by emailing

Find the Born to be Adventurous Mamas on Social Media
Get connected with the Born to be Adventurous Mamas on Instagram @BorntobeAdventurousMamas and Tag #BTBAMAMAS.