Hikes around Banff provide  some of the most  stunning scenery in the world. Scenery that is accessible to the whole family. But many of these scenic places have become congested with large crowds and parking challenges. Silverton Falls Hike is perfect for little feet and offers a stunning staircase waterfall at the end. The hike is also just down the road from the very popular hike Johnston Canyon making Silverton Falls  a great add on hike or a way to beat the crowds if it seems just a little too busy.

Silverton Falls Trail

Difficulty: Moderate (All ratings are for young children)

Distance and Elevation:  2.4km; 60 m

Facilities: Outhouse, Small parking lot

Hike Highlights: Staircase Waterfall; Creek;  Mountain Views ; 

Accessibility: Child Carrier Friendly,   Some slight cliff areas (see trail description)


Silverton Falls is located   an hour and a half from Calgary  in Banff National Park. It is roughly 25 minutes West from the Town of Banff.  Take the Highway 1 until you reach the Banff Windermere Highway and turn right towards Castle Mountain Village. This is the same road that will take you to the Johnston Canyon Hike. Before reaching Johnston Canyon turn left and park in the Rockbound Lake Trail Head Parking Lot.

Trail Head:

The trail head for the Silverton Falls out and back trail starts at the end of the parking lot of Rockbound Lake Trail Head Parking Lot. There is a large trail information sign that indicates the start of the hike.

Note: The outhouse is located to the left  of the trail. It is entirely made of wood except for the seat cover.


A great  addition or alternative to the very popular Johnston  Canyon hike is Silverton Falls. It is considerable less busy even on summer long weekeneds. While it does not offer the canyon walk experience it does take you to an impressive staircase waterfall that altogether  is bigger than  Johnston Canyon Upper Falls.

The trail starts off on a wide path through the trees.   After roughly .5 km take the right trail at the junction.  There is a sign indicating the trail to Silverton Falls.   Continue on the single track trail with minimal elevation gain.

After around .8 km you will reach the creek. This is a great place to stop before hiking up to the  Silverton Falls or to  have lunch/snack after seeing the waterfall. From the creek follow the trail left up the switch back to start the elevation gain.

After 1 km you will reach the most challenging part for little feet. The trail is strong but small as it opens up revealing a slight cliff on the one side. I suggest holding hands with little ones for this portion of the hike.

Continue for 200 m until you reach the waterfall.   Return the way you came.

Check out the photos below from the trail!

Want more waterfall hikes like this one? Check out these 10 Waterfall Hikes for Preschoolers here!

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By Annika Mang
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