I have been trying to come up with creative and fun hands-on learning to do with the kids. For the last month, we have been having a lot of fun following the new 28 Days of Activities Calendar and the kids seem to be enjoying the activities too.

Occasionally we find ways to extend their learning on some of the more engaging activities. After we did the indoor scavenger hunt, the girls created one for their dad. Our six-year-old wrote the hints and our four-year-old drew pictures. They even made a prize for him to win at the end!

As much as we enjoy making up the activities, sometimes there are hands-on activities that can provide a unique learning experience and are worth investing in.

Like purchasing a butterfly raising kit.

Butterfly Raising Kit

A butterfly raising kit follows the life cycle of a caterpillar as it builds its cocoon before making the incredible transformation into a butterfly. The Butterfly Kit from Education Station comes with almost everything you need but does not include a habitat. You can purchase them separately. They have small, medium, and large habitats.

Disclaimer: This post is NOT sponsored. I just think that these Butterfly Kits look awesome!

The Butterfly Kit from Education Station comes with:

  • 8-10 larvae
  • Artificial Diet in an 8 oz. group raising container
  • a feeding vial
  • paintbrush
  • complete instructions
  • tips for teachers & butterfly facts

Learning Activities Include:

Document each day in a journal. Either write a description or draw a picture of the stage.

Read a book about caterpillars.

Watch my very hungry caterpillar on Youtube.

Make a Craft

Order the Butterfly Raising Kit here.

Purchase either a small, medium, and large habitats to go along with the Butterfly Raising Kit.

Butterfly Raising Kit
annika mang
By Annika Mang

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