Life Outside Gear Exchange is an online and in-store consignment shop that sells high quality outdoor gear and Clothing. While their brick and mortar shop and warehouse is in Saskatoon, anyone from across Canada can consign and buy online.
I am especially excited to share this company with you as I have been selling our family’s used gear and clothing online at Life Outside Gear Exchange consignment shop since they opened in 2020. Their core values of being a sustainable option by reducing the demand for new gear while also making clothing more accessible and affordable for all really stand out to me. They are a company that I want to support.
Here’s what you should know before shopping and selling at Life Outside Gear Exchange Outdoor Consignment Shop.
About Life Outside Gear Exchange Outdoor Consignment Shop
Let’s start at the beginning. It is always nice to know a little bit more about the businesses that we choose to support.
Two outdoor adventure enthusiasts Nancy Broten and Matt Johnson opened Life Outside Gear Exchange together in 2020 after seeing a need to provide sustainable gear locally in Saskatoon. They wanted to provide high quality, sustainable gear that was also affordable to help increase access to the outdoors for everyone.
The need was bigger than they anticipated.
Soon, people from all across Canada were contacting them to sell their pre-loved gear and to buy off their online site. Instead of turning them away, they have embraced the need which prompted a move to a new location with more space in Saskatoon to service both the online and in-store community.
In addition to consignment, they recently started offering gear rentals and will soon be offering tours. They have almost everything from bicycles, e-bikes, bike trailers to pull the kids, stand up paddle boards, baby carriers, and backcountry camp stoves!
Life Outside Gear Exchange is visibly built around community and empowering people from all backgrounds and walks of life to find the outdoors accessible. The best part is that as their business and community grows, so will the positive impact on the environment.
What kind of items do they carry.
Since Life Outside is a outdoor consignment shop, items in stock vary.
For families, they often have a few all-terrain strollers, baby carriers, kids hiking shoes, and other kid’s clothing and gear as well. They even had this pop up baby camping bed tent that I recommend for families that want to camp!
I love that they carry high quality used gear that you can buy for less because it is second hand. They carry brands like Patagonia, Prana, North Face, and Merrell and items like canoes, kayaks, and backpacking packs.
Check out my most recent selection when I happened to be in Saskatoon and able to check out the new shop!
How to Buy
Buying at Life Outside Gear Exchange is easy! You can shop online or in store at their Saskatoon location.
Their new website allows you to search online using various categories and sizes. Make sure to also follow them on Instagram and Facebook because they often post popular items that come in. Jump on them fast because they go quickly!
If you are looking for something in particular like hiking poles, a certain sized backpacking pack, or kid carrier, then message Life Outside Gear Exchange. They will put your name on a list and as soon as that item comes in, they will connect with you.
That is high quality service right there!
How to consign with Life Outside Gear Exchange
Anyone from across Canada can consign at Life Outside Gear Exchange.
When you are a consigner, you will register for an online account where you can see your inventory, how they label, research, price, and sell your items. Then comes the best part where you start making money!
There are two things you can do with the money you make.
- You can request a payout by e-transfer by sending a text to 306-371-3690
- Use in store credit for 10% off anything at Life Outside Gear Exchange.
How to consign from across Canada
Right now, the easiest way to consign across Canada is to contact them on their contact form or call 306.371.3690
How to consign in Saskatoon
Simply bring your items to their store on Clarence Avenue. They will take all the items even if they are not in season. The best part is that you do not need to wait around while they go through the items. Quick and easy, that is the way I like it.
Why buy and sell at a outdoor consignment shop?
There are three reasons why you should consider buying and selling at an outdoor consignment shop.
To save money on high quality gear, to make money off your high-quality gear, and for the environment.
Save Money on High Quality Gear
Outdoor clothing brands and gear can be expensive. Especially items like canoes, bikes, baby carriers and brands like Patagonia and Merrell.
The good news is that these brands often create gear that lasts and sometimes with lifetime warrantees!
This means that you can purchase high quality items at Life Outside Gear Exchange are often 30-50% off regular price!
Make Money Off Your High-Quality Gear
Drop off your gear and watch your account grow.
Yes, it is that easy and we love it.
Each year my kids grow which means that each year we have gear and clothing we no longer use. It has been so easy to sell our gear at Life Outside Gear Exchange and make money off these items!
For the Environment
It is undeniable that there is so much waste in the world and that fashion consumption is at an all time high.
It is estimated that 92 million tons of textile waste is created by the fashion industry each year and only a small percentage (10-15%) is recycled. Not only does all the extra clothing create waste, it is also responsible for 10% of greenhouse gas emissions and 20% if global wastewater. Reference
Shopping sustainably can be challenging. It isn’t always easy to take the extra time to research clothing and gear companies and they are often unaffordable. Our family is not perfect and unfortunately, we contribute to the consumption problem that exists in the world. But, I want my children (and their children etc.) to grow up in the same beautiful world that I am able to enjoy.
The good news is that Life Outside Gear Exchange makes it easier for us to shop more sustainably and makes sure that our pre-loved items are used more than once.
Next time you need new clothing, backpacks, baby gear, or even a canoe, make sure to check the options at Life Outside Gear Exchange online or in store.
Curious to learn a little bit more about our family? Read more on our About Us page!
BIG NEWS… We launched an app!
Enjoy hiking with your family? We launched an app called TrailCollectiv to help families get outside, find trails, and connect!
Download it on the Apple Store here and on Google Play here.