Tanya Koob  Family Adventures in the Canadian Rockies

Have child and have not slowed down! This blog seeks to chronicle the joys and challenges of taking kids hiking, camping, backpacking, skiing, biking, paddling and all-out exploring in the Canadian Rockies.


 gamlogo_square_web Go Adventure Mom

Our mission is to fight nature deficit disorder by getting families outdoors.





AKontheGO is Alaska’s only family travel resource, offering parents helpful information, tips, and tricks for successful vacations in the 49th state. Publisher Erin Kirkland is a freelance writer and mother of two sons, and author of the popular book Alaska On the Go: exploring the 49th state with children.

 ofmlogo  Outdoor Families Magazine 

Outdoor Families Magazine and Community strives to enrich the lives of multi-generational families internationally by providing unparalleled, award-winning outdoor and adventure related content meant to inspire a connection to, participation in and stewardship of the natural world.

MommyHiker.com is a place where families can gather around the “online” campfire and discuss their love for Mother Nature, inspire others to get out and explore the beauty of the world around us and share ideas for using the Outdoors as a tool for learning and discovering.


Mountain Mom and Tots

Outdoor adventures with three tots in tow.
 Mountain Mom and Tots is all about getting outdoors with kids. Author Susan Strayer lives with her husband and three young kids near Sundance Mountain Resort in Utah. When they’re not hiking, biking, skiing and camping, they’re dreaming of the next adventure. Summer of 2016 they traveled 7,000 miles along the US National Park to Park Highway.
Maman on the Trail

Hiking. Camping. Parenting.

A Canadian blog about getting outdoors with a baby and a dog. Featuring anecdotes, reviews, tips & tricks, and giveaways.



Rain or Shine Mamma

Swedish-born journalist and author Linda McGurk believes that the best childhood memories are created outside, while jumping in puddles, digging in dirt, catching bugs and climbing trees. She started the blog Rain or Shine Mamma as a way to inspire outdoor play and adventure every day, regardless of the weather.