Hikes for Families: A Guide to the Canadian Rockies

Family Guide to the Canadian Rockies

Family-focused trail guide that makes adventuring together a breeze. Learn tips for enjoying the trails, games to play along the way, gear packing lists, and more! Featuring hikes near Banff, Canmore, Kananaskis, Bragg Creek, and Calgary.

Each hike includes a trail description, how to get there, nearby attractions, and a map plus:

– a difficulty rating specifically for kids
– whether the trail is stroller and/or wheelchair accessible.

The Author

Annika Mang is the founder, photographer, writer, and adventurer behind BorntobeAdventurous.com. Her passion for encouraging families to get out and adventure blossomed after her first camping trip at the age of six-weeks-old. Fast forward many years and those younger adventure experiences encouraged her to embark on many hiking trips.

Annika has a passion for adventure and has explored Spain, Portugal, Nepal, and Bali without children. After having children, she believed that adventuring did not have to end and took her children camping and hiking as young as 3 weeks old. They lived in British Columbia at the time and spent their weekends explore the West Coast. When their first daughter was one they took her on a backcountry hiking trip to the backside of Black Tusk to Helm Creek.

As a family, they have explored Copenhagen, Sweden, Germany, Portugal, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, and Washington.

When Annika moved to Calgary, Alberta she decided to start a new adventure and share her passion for adventuring with others. Annika began the long journey to create her first hiking guide for families. She wanted families to feel empowered to get outside and adventure. Since moving to Regina, Saskatchewan, she has noticed the gap in trail information for families and is working to break down that information barrier.

The website Born to be Adventurous was created to inspire and empower families to get out and adventure. She created the Born to be Adventurous Mamas Facebook groups to encourage mothers to inspire each other to get outside and adventure.

Connect with Annika Mang on social media:
Instagram @BorntobeAdventurous Facebook @BorntobeAdventurous

Hiking book for families