Nestled in the state of #Wydaho, Grand Targhee Resort is a base camp for adventurers of all abilities near the Grand Tetons. While the state of Wydaho does not actually exist, locals created the term to describe the epic playground in Wyoming that is only accessible from the state of Idaho.
The Truth Behind Biking with Kids : Riding the Hiawatha Trail (+Video)
Riding the Hiawatha trail was an unforgettable experience. As a family we soaked up the fall coloured views and whooped through all 10 of the train tunnels. The 7 Trestles (train bridges) provided an incredible view of the valley. A view that we obviously had to stop on and take a family picture. The small…
New Adventures Post-Partum
After keeping a pretty safe hold on the handbrake, I decided to release and commit fully to following the imaginary line on the trail. A bump in the trail sent me soaring. After landing softly, I approached a turn and, as instructed, I slowly pumped the brake. I reached the turn, let go of the…