For the adventurous family, the Morrison Outdoors Sleeping Bag is the baby product you may not know you need. The baby and toddler sleeping bags for camping are a GAME CHANGER. If you’re anything like me, you knew that you wanted to introduce your child to the great outdoors from a very early age and…
9 Incredibly Fun Camping Games for Teens
Are you looking to get some fun and excitement on your next camping trip with teens? Teens are incredibly fun to camp with because unlike younger kids who need a lot of hand holding, teens usually just need a little direction to turn any outing into a full on party. Full Disclosure: This post contains…
Best 4 Man Tent for Families
Finding a quality 4 man tent to sleep in as a family is important. But first, you need to decide if you want to have a bit more space? Is cost a factor? Do you want a 4 person tent that will also double as a backcountry tent for your family? Does the early morning…
Best Baby Camping Beds
Some people do not feel that it is possible to go camping with a baby. Not only is it possible, but it can be a great way to bond together as a family. Also, babies can sleep better in the outdoors and certain individuals believe that it is even is good for their health. Start…
Broken Down: Is Van Life really for us?
I felt complete and utter despair. I knew our ‘93 VW Eurovan was probably going to break down at some point on our 3-month trip but I did not expect it to happen just 2 weeks in. It just was not supposed to happen yet. We had plans… The most frustrating part about seeing the…
Leaving on an Adventure: Van Life with Kids
Dreams really can come true and adventuring does not have to stop after having kids. After we bought our ’93 VW Eurovan, just after having our second daughter in the spring of 2015, we had been dreaming of hitting the road for an extended Van life adventure. Now, 3 years later, our family is ticking…
Finding the Money for a Family Van life Trip
Its official. We are taking the plunge and heading on a family van life trip! I wish I could say it was going to be a completely calm ride into the sunset. I am pretty sure living in a small 88 square ft space with two children aged 3 and 4 is going to be…
Backcountry Camping with Toddlers (Video)
Ever wonder what it would look like to go backcountry camping with toddlers? This short video takes you on a back country trip with our family. We hiked and camped at Lindeman Lake in British Columbia. For more outdoor family videos make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel here! More videos will be coming…
The Realities of Adventuring with a Toddler: A Mom’s How-To Guide
Remember me? I’m the mom who packed up her 5 month old and headed out on a backcountry fishing trip in northern Canada with my husband in the post “A Floatplane, A boat and a Baby”. I also said something to the effect of we wanted to take the attitude that ‘this baby was joining…
Camping in a VW Van : How to sleep a family of 4
Camping in Dusty our ’93 VW Eurovan has been one big adventure since we bought him in 2015. We bought him shortly after having our second daughter when I was having some intense nesting instinct while pregnant. Meet Dusty in this post here. There have been many ups and downs but overall the memories we…