I love Fernie. Fernie’s picturesque historic downtown set in middle of the mountains significantly enhances the vacation vibes. I had a chance to share Fernie with my oldest daughter recently and wrote up a whole guide including activities to do, where to stay, and 3-day and 5-day itineraries in the post “Best Things To Do…
Great Canadian Tradition: Cabane à Sucre
When snow arrives, people react in various ways. We sometimes want to just hibernate inside with a good cup of hot cocoa or java. Other times we want to just frolic in the snow, build snow forts, snow angels, snowmen, ski, snowboard, toboggan etc. While we love all of those things we also love this…
Easy Travel Dairy Foods for Baby
Breastmilk and/or Formula are still meant to be your child’s main source of dairy before the age of 1. This is for two reasons: it helps babies absorb iron and is easy to digest. That being said there are some great dairy options that can be a great snack for kids on the go. Dairy…
Easy Travel Grain Foods for Babies
Finding unprocessed grains that are easy to pack and travel with can be challenging. There are many processed grains to grab like dried cereal, baby cereal, crackers and cookies. I definitely grab the processed options at times but the additives, salt and sugars are something I try to stay away from whenever possible. Below is a…
Easy Travel Protein Foods for Babies
In Canada, public health nurses and doctors have been recommended that a babies first food is protein. They recommend this because at 6 months breast milk or formula does not provide enough iron for the baby. Since we like to travel and head outdoors a lot, I have come up with 4 easy travel foods with…
Easy Travel Fruits and Veggies for Babies
Spending most of the day outside with kids often means that you need to have a lot of food with you, especially if you want to keep them happy. It is not uncommon for us to be out of the house from 9 am until bedtime. We have had to be creative with the types of…