Our family has a goal to live more environmentally friendly. But, the only way we have been able to enjoy the outdoors and snowboarding in the winter months has been to use disposable handwarmers. You probably know the ones. Where we are from, the weather hovers below 0 Celsius (32 Fahrenheit) for 8 months of…
Reduce Waste with an All-Natural Hair Routine Plan with Rocky Mountain Soap Co.
If you have been following our platform since the beginning, then you will remember when our family ran the Green Up Challenge. For one month, we reduced our family waste to a single jar. If I am completely honest, it has been a challenge to keep up with zero waste, especially now that I am…
Ethical Outdoor Gear for Kids from Faire Child
As soon as I heard about the new Nova Scotian kids outerwear brand Faire Child I was hooked. It was not because the company designs and assembles their garments in Canada or because the style is incredibly hip. Of course that is awesome, but I was most interested when I learnt that Tabitha Osler, the founder…
Early Explorers Program for ages 3-5 at Winsport
My 4 year old daughter is bouncing because she is excited to go to “nature school” again. I am excited for the 2 and half hour Early Explorers program at Winsport and have some time to enjoy some solo time with my 2 year old which rarely happens. The 2 and half hour program allowed…
Get Outside and Play Week 2018
I am so excited to announce that Get Outside and Play Week is happening for a second year in a row from May 26th -June 3rd. Why do I love Get Outside and Play Week? Because it celebrates play based learning outside and all the events are free!! You can even create your own public…
Tuesday Morning Parent and Tot Program at Bolder Climbing
I’m tired. My 2 kids aged 2 and 4 were up all night but I forced myself to pack them up and try out this new climbing gym that some mom friends were talking about.The Bolder Climbing Gym is something else. Memories of my time in Vancouver and the hipster life fills my mind. The…
BTBA Alberta Mamas Climbing Meet Up at Bolder Climbing Gym
There seems to be a rule after having children that moms are supposed to get together over baked goods and talk about their babies. As their children get older, moms meet their friends at play places to enjoy the brief moments of conversation they can get in between changing diapers, fixing boo boos and sorting…
WinSport’s Early Explorers Program
Youth across Alberta are experiencing a higher rate of delayed physical and mental development than other provinces¹. Research is saying that this delay is happening because children are not exploring and playing outdoors enough. Program developers at WinSport in Calgary Alberta came across this research and worked hard to develop a new program for children …
Merino Wool Base Layers for Kids from luvmother
Winter can be hard with young kids. I know this because I spent most of last year fighting my 1 year old to keep her mitts on her hands. So far this winter I am past the mitt wars with my now 2 year old. Yeah! Now my two kids aged 2 and 4 want…
6 Ways to Use Les Produits de Maya (Review)
With one look at my daughter I knew that she was at the end of her patience. After the long 6 hour car ride, her hair was disheveled and her face was still covered with morning’s pancakes. My 2 year old is not a fan of having her face wiped especially with the disposable wipes…